Who will be the elite when the machines are our slaves ?
Internet – Please break this for me (without descending into ai distopia)
1/ We are entering an era where machines and AI will do the heavy lifting for society.
2/ They will be our slaves, just like humans were in times past.
3/ This is hugely liberating for all society as. human time gets freed up for new value creation.
4/ In this world value wont be measured by ‘inputs / outputs’ but by value created. Where ‘hours worked’ ceases to be relevant.
5/ And this value creation happens to be the domain of the creative class – the leapmakers of he world.
6/ They will become the kings and queens. and the process optimisers a commodity.
I see this coming, I just don’t know the timeline or path.
I do know that the factory models – schools, corporates, governments – are not designed for this world. I see the seeds of creative destruction around me everyday